
Armed Men Attacks Vehicle in Lahj
[Yemen Post] Unidentified gunnies in Lahj province intercepted a vehicle at the entrance of Habeleen district on its way to the military headquarters in the province, stealing three million Yemeni rials, ($15000).

Eyewitness said that the gunnies stole the money and bravely ran away, no causalities were reported.

Last week, three civilians were maimed in Radfan, Lahj after forces randomly shelled the town following firing on a military vehicle by unknown armed people.

Tens of houses were damaged and families decamped the town due to the deteriorating situation amid an acute fuel shortage and lack of phone services.

Military reinforcements have been deployed to Radfan in recent months to fight separatist cut-throats who have stepped up their attacks, targeting military posts and public property.

Lahj is one of the southern cities hit by violence where the separatist movement, Al-Harak, continues the anti-government protests that usually turn violent.

Posted by: Fred 2011-02-11