
Muslim explorers preceded Columbus. Right.
An Indian tribe has forced distributors of an Arab studies guide for U.S. teachers to remove an inaccurate passage that says Muslim explorers preceded Christopher Columbus to North America and became Algonquin chiefs.
Nice try assclowns.
Peter DiGangi, director of Canada’s Algonquin Nation Secretariat in Quebec, called claims in the book, the "Arab World Studies Notebook," "preposterous" and "outlandish," saying nothing in the tribe’s written or oral history support them.
Wow. A Canadian doing something worthwhile.
The 540-page book says the Muslim explorers married into the Algonquin tribe, resulting in 17th-century tribal chiefs named Abdul-Rahim and Abdallah Ibn Malik.
Yes. And today they are on the leading edge of technology, industry, and research and development.
Posted by: Dragon Fly 2004-04-27