
Clashes in Bahrain before planned protest rally
[Asharq al-Aswat] Bahrain's security forces fired tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse anti-government protesters Monday in advance of plans to stage major rallies and bring the Arab reform wave to the Gulf for the first time, witnesses said.

It was the second reported skirmish with protesters since Sunday amid sharply rising tensions in the tiny island kingdom -- a strategic Western ally and home to the U.S. Navy's 5th Fleet.

Social media sites have been flooded with calls by an array of political youth groups, rights activists and others to join demonstrations later Monday, a symbolic day in Bahrain as the anniversary of the country's 2002 constitution that brought pro-democracy reforms such as an elected parliament.

But opposition groups seek deeper changes from the country's ruling dynasty, including transferring more decision-making powers to the parliament and breaking the monarchy's grip on senior government posts. Bahrain's majority Shiites -- about 70 percent of the population -- have long complained of systemic discrimination by the Sunni rulers.

The nation -- no bigger in area than New York City -- is among the most politically volatile in the Gulf. A crackdown on perceived dissidents last year touched off riots and street battles in Shiite areas.
Posted by: Fred 2011-02-15