
Omani official backs reform measures
[Asharq al-Aswat] Dr. Fuad Sajwani, chairman of the economic committee of the Sultanate of Oman's Shura Council, has asserted that all of the country's state institutions are studying the various demands presented by the protesters over the past few days. In an interview with Asharq Al-Awsat he stressed that everyone supports the reform process and the reasonable demands for reform "but implementation of the reforms needs more time to be examined and therefore the rational thing is for things to be handled calmly."
He pointed out that the state had previously approved a package of reforms and demands some time ago in order to improve the conditions of Omani citizens, especially those on low income. Foremost among these reforms was raising the minimum wage, removing some restrictions for earning social security, and granting the unemployed monthly financial allowance.

However Dr. Sajwani added that some demands being made by the protesters were unreasonable and illogical "as there are rules and laws in every country that have to be observed. Support for the conditions of low-income families should be within a broader framework that is not confined to financial grants but also strengthens the overall local production and attracts investments and more."

Sajwani also revealed that action is currently underway to study raising pensions for the private sector's employees after approval was given to raise pensions of state employees. The Omani cabinet is also studying discussing proposals of increasing the student capacity of Omani universities and private colleges. Dr. Sajwani also told Asharq Al-Awsat that the state was covering the education costs of around 4,000 Omani students in private universities, institutes, and colleges and this number would increase in the coming stage. In addition to this, the state is also funding the education of a large number of students at public universities and colleges following the approval to increase the monthly expenses offered to the students.

The Omani official called for the public to look carefully at the many decisions taken recently by the Omani state to improve the conditions of its citizens, stressing that "an extremely important law was approved some three months ago allocating funds for building housing estates of approximately 13,000 housing units for low-income families. This is an extremely important step but what is needed today is to hasten the implementation of these projects because they are an urgent priority and are bound to facilitate many things for the people."
Posted by: Fred 2011-03-03