
'Removal' rolls into HC
[Bangla Daily Star] Professor Muhammad Yunus yesterday went to court challenging the central bank order that removed him from the post of managing director of Grameen Bank, while the wider international community showed its displeasure at the way the Nobel prize winner for Bangladesh was treated.
There's a nice-sized boodle there, just for the taking, once he's out of the way. Why piss it away on some po' folks?
The court fixed March 6 (Sunday) for delivering an order on a writ petition filed by Yunus. The Nobel winner found himself in the middle of a campaign since a Norwegian TV documentary alleged that he had transferred Norway government's money unlawfully to another organisation. Norway later in a statement cleared the air and said no corruption or illegal activity had taken place.

Challenging the legality of the government's move to remove Yunus from Grameen, nine directors of the microlender jointly filed a second writ petition with the High Court.

Dr Kamal Hossain who appeared for Yunus told the court that the government has removed the Grameen Bank founder from his post without issuing any show-cause notice.

Earlier when Yunus had asked the Grameen Bank board of directors to exempt him from the office considering his age, they requested him to continue, Dr Kamal said.

The directors last met on February 27 and decided to hold another meeting later on, but Yunus has been removed from the office before that meeting could be held, Dr Kamal said.

Attorney General Mahbubey Alam opposed the writ petition, saying that Grameen Bank was established as per Grameen Bank Ordinance 1983, and as per its section 36, the retirement age of its officials is 60.

This provision applies to Dr Muhammad Yunus as it does to the other employees of Grameen Bank, he said.

The attorney general said Yunus is now 70 years old, and as per section 36 of Grameen Bank Ordinance 1983, he cannot hold this office.

After the court hearing, Yunus said he wanted a "graceful solution" allowing him to step down from his post at the microfinance institution.

"I have said repeatedly that I don't want to be in the position of managing director but the (Grameen Bank) board would not accept my resignation. They asked me to stay and this is why I am in this position now," he said.

"I want a graceful solution to my departure from Grameen," he added.

"I urge all of you to save and protect this institution. Grameen Bank has come this far on its own money and labour, not foreign funds," Yunus told reporters at the Supreme Court premises.

Posted by: Fred 2011-03-04