
Lautenberg calls Cheney ’lead chickenhawk’ in criticizing Kerry
WASHINGTON -- Tossing a verbal egg at Dick Cheney’s military record, Sen. Frank Lautenberg blasted the vice president Wednesday as the "lead chickenhawk," who squawks about John Kerry’s Vietnam War record despite never serving himself.
I don’t think Cheney’s ever questioned his service, so the illegitimate Senator is also a doddering liar and a fool
"The chickenhawk has no idea what it means to have the courage to put your life at risk to defend this nation," Lautenberg said on the Senate floor. "But they are quick to disparage those who did sacrifice."

In his speech, Lautenberg, D-N.J., defined chickenhawk "as having the shriek of a hawk but the backbone of a chicken."
"and you sir, have the face, ethics, nd brain of an ass, so there"
"We know who the chickenhawks are," he said. "They talk tough on national defense and military issues and cast aspersions on others, but when it was their turn to serve, they were AWOL from courage."

Kerry has said that President Bush and Cheney have no credibility in criticizing his military service and anti-war effort since Bush has faced questions about his National Guard attendance and Cheney had five student and marriage deferments of service during the war.

Kerry, a decorated Navy veteran who volunteered to serve in Vietnam, said he does not begrudge anyone who did not fight in the war.

Bush and Cheney have not personally commented on Kerry’s military service or anti-war efforts, but White House spokesman Scott McClellan has refused to condemn Bush adviser Karen Hughes’s comment that Kerry misled Americans by "pretending" to throw away his medals after returning from Vietnam.

Other Democrats on Wednesday defended Kerry’s military service. House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi said the president should explain what he was doing while in the National Guard.

"As far as we know, Senator Kerry got three purple hearts for risking his life in Vietnam and President Bush got a dental examination in Alabama," said Pelosi after attending a meeting with Kerry campaign chairwoman Jeanne Shaheen.
smell the desperation?
Posted by: Frank G 2004-04-28