
Exploding Funeral-goer in NW Pakistain
In addition to the similarly deadly car bombing in Punjab.
A suicide bomber struck a funeral for the wife of a militiaman attended by anti-Taliban militiamen in the Matani area of northwestern Pakistan on Wednesday, killing at least 36 mourners and wounding more than 100
Or roughly half the attendees - an unusually effective boomer.)
in the deadliest militant attack in the country this year. The Pakistani Taliban claimed responsibility.

Summarizing the rest:
The splodeydope was but a youth of less than 20 years, probably frustrated at his inability to get a woman. Folks thought he was just another mourner showing up until BOOM!
Rather than be upset with the Taliban, the people blame the government for not providing security.

Less than twenty? No doubt a recent madrassah graduate with no job prospects. Pakistan has, as of 2008, 40,000 madrassahs, with over 5 million students. Not all of them are going to be able to find jobs as teachers and mosque staff... and they're too old to apprentice to a trade. Pakistan has been creating this problem for a generation, since General Zia-ul-Haq made Islamization a major pillar of his rule.

Posted by: Glenmore 2011-03-09