
Pelosi: GOP cuts will interfere with government's "biblical power to cure"
Where's the separation of church and state when you need it? According to Nancy Pelosi, there may be no such concept, since government offices have "biblical power to cure" illnesses. Pelosi made this remark while responding to the budget cuts proposed by Republicans in Congress that include the NIH, as CNS News reports today:

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said the House Republicans' proposed cut to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) budget would hurt biomedical research's "biblical power to cure."

Pelosi, speaking at a press conference on Capitol Hill celebrating the first anniversary of the health care bill's passage, said, "There's a cut in funding for the National Institutes of Health. This is not a healthy thing for our country because that research has answers. You know that every family in America is one telephone call, one diagnosis, one accident away from needing the kind of biomedical research that can cure--really have the biblical power to cure in a very, very special way and so to cut back on that research is wrong."
Riiiiiiight. Now she gets religion. Can we hit her with a wooden cluebat?
Posted by: DarthVader 2011-03-11