
Boomer in Haifa kills at least 12...
  • A suicide bomber exploded in a crowded restaurant near a shopping mall in the northern port city of Haifa on Sunday, killing at least 12 people and wounding 40 in the fourth Palestinian attack in Israel in five days. Unofficial police reports said at least 14 people were killed. There were rival claims of responsibility by Hamas and Islamic Jihad. The blast went off early Sunday afternoon in the Matza restaurant, near a gas station and just outside the Grand Canyon shopping mall. The explosion was so powerful that it blew out large parts of the roof. Smoke was drifting from the building, and glass shards were scattered across the ground.

  • Izzedine al Qassam, the armed wing of the Hamas militant group, claimed responsibility for the terror attack on the restaurant and identified the bomber as a man from the West Bank town of Jenin.
    The way to deal with this is to take out the men behind the bombers. I read somewhere (I'm sorry, I forgot whose blog...) that it takes 70 people to put together a suicide bomb mission. The boomers need to be supplied with the explosives, they need a ride to their (very final) destination, their families need taken care of when they're expended, they need all sorts of logistic support. Providing that support should bring with it a death sentence. Making war by hit men is considered barbaric; I'd take it over boomers in restaurants and at aid stations, at Bat Mizvahs and Seder dinners any day. And behind the logistic network are the men running Hamas - Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, Islamic Jihad, al-Aqsa and Tanzim - Marwan Bargouti, and the PFLP - Ahmad Sa'adat. If these men wanted to die they'd have exploded already. So kill them. As soon as they're replaced, kill their successors, too. We know it works. Just ask UNITA.
    Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-03-31
  • http://www.rantburg.com/poparticle.php?ID=3180