
Afghan Senators Urge Delay of Security Transition
[Tolo News] Security transition to Afghan forces should be postponed, Afghan senators said on Sunday.

Afghanistan is currently experiencing troubled times and international community should find the roots of the challenges in the country, the Afghan Senate said.

The Senate expressed grave concern over the present situation in Afghanistan and stressed that the region and the world will face a crisis if the Afghan cops are not well-trained and fully-equipped to find the necessary potentials.

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some Afghan senators said that the security transition to Afghans should be postponed.

The senate says it is important to eventually hand over security responsibilities to Afghan forces, but adds that Afghanistan will go to civil war again if international forces abandon Afghanistan in 2014.

"The Afghan issue has both national and international aspects, so the countries in the region and in the world should stick to their commitments on Afghanistan," Mohammad Alam Izedyar, deputy head of Senate, said.

Khaleq Balaghai, an Afghan senator, expressed scepticism about the efforts of the High Peace Council.

"The other side is one day our brother and turns into an enemy and a jacket wallah the other day. I am suspicious that the Peace Council itself may suddenly bring its head out of the Taliban's collar, said Mr Balaghi.

The senators said security challenges have increased highly and that the intenational community should not repeat its mistakes of the past, but they did not elaborate further.

The senate has decided to summon Afghan security officials to make Afghan government's stance clear about withdrawal of foreign troops.

Nato's Chief, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, said on Friday that Afghan forces were ready to take gradual security responsibility.

The first phase of foreign troops' withdrawal from Afghanistan is expected to start in July this year.
Posted by: Fred 2011-03-14