
Tehran Court Fines USA $600 Million for Supporting Iraq’s Chemical Warfare
Lessee, 52 Americans held over a year, damages for illegal confinement, damage to the embassy, failure to keep the dust down in the desert where the chopper went down, hmmm, carry the 4, times 3 toes, square root of 31, ...

Nope, they still owe us. Big.
A Tehran court fined the United States $600 million for encouraging Iraq in its 1980-88 war with Iran and "supplying the Ba’athist regime...with chemical bombs and facilitating their use against...defenseless [Iranians]," ISNA reported on 28 April. Branch Three of the Tehran judiciary ordered the fine to be paid to a group of veterans harmed by chemical attacks in that war, ISNA stated, adding that the court has already fined the U.S. government $1.8 billion for similar charges. The ruling was sent to the Swiss Embassy in Tehran, which handles U.S. interests in the absence of Iranian-U.S. ties.
$600 million for our involvement? Wonder what the Soviets, French and Chinese will have to cough up?

Posted by: Mike Sylwester 2004-04-30