
Gentle Reminders
Haven't heard from Fred or Ethel yet; no news is good news right now. Some gentle reminders --

1) keep the articles short. Some of them are getting really long lately, and Dan, Steve or I have to edit. Long articles make the load times longer for people with dial-up connections. Yeah, yeah, I'm as guilty as everyone else.

2) don't post commentary from other blogs, editorials, etc. Link 'em instead. Usual exceptions for Lileks, VDH and Steyn.

3) check your links when submitting an article. I've deleted a few articles in the holding pen in the last week because the links were broken and I couldn't figure out what the link was. Fred's pretty clear on this: no link = no post.

4) anon posters: if you're going to be a regular/semi-regular here, please pick a name. Names like "anonymous3104" and "anonymous4063" read like the Welsh regiment in Zulu.

5) if it isn't about the WoT, it goes to page 2. Nuttin' wrong with being on page 2, and it helps keep the load balanced and the comments going.

Posted by: Steve White 2004-04-30