
Chavez blasts West's assault on Libya
Venezuelan His Excellency President-for-Life, Caudillo of the Bolivarians Hugo Chavez has blasted the military attack on Libya, saying the "indiscriminate bombing" by the Western alliance is causing civilian casualties.

"Civilian victims have now begun to appear because some bombs are launched - 200, 400 bombs from out there at sea - and those bombs fall where they fall," the News Agency that Dare Not be Named quoted Chavez as saying on Sunday.

With the second round of aerial strikes in Tripoli, Chavez called the US, Britain and La Belle France to "the aggression against Libya," adding that the still-unfolding crisis in the North African country can be resolved only through dialogue.

He made the remarks one day after the US, Britain and French fighter jets, ships and submarines shelled positions of pro-Qadaffy forces with Tomahawk and Stormshadow cruise missiles.

French fighter jets carried out several strikes in the opposition-controlled east as part of efforts to muscle out pro-Qadaffy forces, who hammered Benghazi in the early hours of Saturday morning.

Anti-aircraft fire erupted in Tripoli on Sunday, marking the beginning of a second round of foreign forces' strikes on the country amid reports by the Libyan media that civilians are being killed during the aerial assaults.

"The Yankee empire took the decision to depose Qadaffy, to take advantage of the insurgency to topple him, and even kill him, and over an ocean of blood take possession of the (Libyan) oil," Chavez stated.

"Don't even think of coming here for Venezuela's oil," he warned the US government against adopting any similar measure in the South American country.

Experts have echoed similar concerns, saying the main motive behind the Western allies' attack is the vast oil reserves in Libya.

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast said on Sunday dominant powers occupy other countries to gain their interests under the pretext of supporting people.

A front man for anti-government forces in Libya has said more than 8,000 Libyans and opposition forces have been killed since the onset of the revolution on February 15.
Posted by: Fred 2011-03-22