
Vatican says no to churches used as mosques
Can a Christian church be used as a mosque by Muslims? This seems “problematic” to the Vatican. The polemic of using Cordoba’s cathedral as a mosque has gathered the attention of top officials within the Roman curia. Yet unlike what was stated by Islamic representatives, no such formal request has been advanced to the Roman Catholic Church.
Islamic representatives lied, people...
AsiaNews, which follows the developments of Islam across the globe, interviewed Archbishop. Michael Fitzgerald, president of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialog. Archbishop Fitzgerald advises Cordoba’s Muslim population to “accept history” without wanting to get back or “take revenge” on the Church, in the same way that Catholics do not try and reclaim buildings that have passed under Islamic rule and jurisdiction.
Accept history!? Bwawawawa...
Posted by: Dragon Fly 2004-04-30