
Arab News sez Yasser's a hero again
  • Israeli forces last night said that they would force their way into Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat’s office if he did not hand over a number of his aides. Arafat’s defiant response was to declare that he would fight to the death. Despite calls from world leaders, including those of Britain and France, for Israeli “restraint”, and a United Nations resolution calling for Israel to withdraw from Ramallah, the Israeli siege increased in its barbarism and intensity. Yasser Arafat has never been so isolated, or vulnerable. He is once again a hero in the Arab world.

    Israeli soldiers late yesterday advanced to within a few meters of the rooms where Arafat is trapped. Members of the Force 17 body guard, contacted by mobile telephone, said the Arafat’s bodyguards had been asked by to surrender. “President Arafat has no communication with the outside world, all the phone lines are cut. The situation is very dangerous,” said the senior official, who asked not be named.
    The propaganda points counter's just climbing all the time...
    Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-03-31
  • http://www.rantburg.com/poparticle.php?ID=3188