
Kimmitt: Marines Not Leaving Fallujah
BAGHDAD, Iraq - U.S. Marines will maintain a strong presence in and around Fallujah despite an agreement to hand over security to a new Iraqi force largely made up of former Iraqi soldiers, a senior U.S. officer said Friday.
Brig. Gen. Mark Kimmitt made his remarks as U.S. officials in Iraq and Washington said an agreement had been reached to establish an Iraqi unit to assume security and end the monthlong siege of Fallujah. Witnesses saw Marines withdrawing from positions in the southeastern part of the city on Friday and handing them over to the Iraqis.
However, Kimmitt told reporters that the new Iraqi force will be "completely integrated" with Marines, who will retain strong presence "in and around" the city. He insisted that the Marines were not "withdrawing" but were "repositioning" their forces.
Hah, just like I thought. Iraqis get to patrol the quiet sector under Marine direction and Marines "reposition" right down the insurgents throats.

Kimmitt said he had no information on the background of the reported new commander of the Fallujah force, former Maj. Gen. Jassim Mohammed Saleh. But Kimmitt said the commander had been vetted by the Marines who had full confidence in him.
Got themselves a tame general to put a Iraqi face on things.

Posted by: Steve 2004-04-30