
MILF sez it fights off Philippine army attack
  • At least one soldier was killed and several others were wounded during a clash yesterday, the Moro Islamic Liberation Front said. Fighting erupted at about 11 a.m. when troops of the army’s 601st Brigade attacked an MILF position in Barangay Whal, said separatist spokesman Eid Kabalu. He said the attack was also another violation of the standing cease-fire agreement that government and MILF officials signed last year. He said the ground assault was preceded by shelling of several dozens 105 mm howitzers and 81 mm mortar bombs. Kabalu said the defending MILF forces, a unit of the 204th Brigade and led by Commander Teng Jikiri, managed to repulse the soldiers after an hour of fighting.
    The last line should have been a give away, but the original story coming out of the ARAB NEWS gives the whole matter a tinge of the fantastic to it. I'd suspect a more realistic accounting was that the 601st lined up its artillery and shot off its ammo at the Moros, and then skedaddled. Bravery, on either side, was not an issue.
    Posted by Tom Roberts 3/31/2002 12:43:19 PM
    Yes, but the Saudis do so love their pet separatist movement. Duh, I wunner where their dough comes from?
    Posted by Fred 3/31/2002 1:40:43 PM

    Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-03-31
  • http://www.rantburg.com/poparticle.php?ID=3189