
Tulsa policeman sues after rejecting Islamic event
Captain Paul Fields is suing the City of Tulsa after being reassigned for refusing to order his officers to attend a Law Enforcement Appreciation Day event at the Islamic Center of Tulsa. Fields said it is a violation of his religious beliefs.

A law firm specializing in "defending the religious freedom of Christians as well as well as countering the infiltration of radical Muslims in America" has joined in his lawsuit.

The Thomas More Law Center announced Wednesday that it will join Tulsa attorney Scott Wood to "defend Captain Fields' constitutional right not to become a propaganda prop for the local mosque."

"This case is an astonishing example of a double standard," TMLC President Richard Thompson said. "If this were a Catholic or Protestant prayer event, no one would have been ordered to attend, and no one would have been punished for refusing to attend."

"It is a prime example of government officials over-stepping their authority when it comes to government intrusion on an employee's constitutionally protected freedoms."

Fields has filed a civil rights action alleging that the city and its officials violated his basic constitutional rights by ordering him to the mosque under penalty of adverse employment consequences.
More here, including the allegation that the Islamic center has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.

Posted by: ryuge 2011-03-24