
Macedonian Police Pretend to Fight Terrorists
Macedonian officials have admitted that seven alleged Pakistani militants killed in March 2002 were in fact illegal immigrants shot in cold blood. They said four officers in the security services had been charged with their murder, while former Interior Minister Ljube Boskovski may also face charges. At the time, the interior ministry said they had been killed after trying to ambush police in the capital, Skopje. But a police spokeswoman said they had in fact been shot in a "staged murder".

When the incident was reported more than two years ago, it was claimed that a new front had opened up in the war on terror. The Macedonian interior ministry said the seven men of Pakistani origin were killed after opening fire on a police patrol with machine guns. Mr Boskovski said the dead men had been planning attacks on vital installations and embassies. ....

Now the public prosecutor’s office has brought charges against officers involved in the case .... Police spokeswoman Mirjana Konteska told the Associated Press news agency that the victims were illegal immigrants who had been lured into Macedonia by promises that they would be taken to western Europe. She said they were transported to the Rastanski Lozja area, about 5km north of Skopje, where they were surrounded and gunned down by police. .....
Posted by: Mike Sylwester 2004-04-30