
Fighting in Misurata
There was renewed fighting on Sunday in the rebel-held western city of Misurata, which had endured days of bombardment, punctuated by coalition air strikes against pro-Qadaffy military targets.

A rebel fighter told Rooters that rebels were fighting government forces in the centre of the town.

"We heard tanks, mortars and light weapons being used. This is still going on now," he said by telephone.

A resident told Rooters that eight people had been killed and 24 maimed in mortar attacks by government forces.

French and British warplanes launched strikes against government targets near Misurata on Saturday, temporarily halting the fighting.

The French armed forces said around 20 French aircraft supported by an AWACS surveillance plane struck targets during the day, including five Galeb fighter jets and two MI-35 helicopters on the ground outside Misurata.

British missile strikes also destroyed three armoured vehicles in Misurata and two more in Ajdabiya, the Royal Air Force said in a statement.

Ahmed Al Misrati, a pro-democracy activist, speaking from Misurata, told Al Jizz that the town was "besieged from all sides".

"Since morning [Misurata] has been under heavy gunfire and heavy bombardment ... by tanks or mortar shells," said Al Misrati. "They [Qadaffy troops] are also stationed in other rooftops, especially the high buildings."
Posted by: Fred 2011-03-28