
Ft. Hood Massacre Court Martial Of Nidal Hasan Delayed Again
I am an avid follower of the events surrounding this cold blooded massacre and wounding of dozens of defenseless, unarmed troops at Ft Hood, Texas. However, if I had not Googled this case tonight, I would not have found out about this latest event that occurred a week ago. Clearly, the extreme left wing MSM Obama shills do not care to cover this event that occurred under our incompetent Commander in Chief's command.
FORT WORTH, Texas -- The Army psychiatrist charged in the Fort Hood shooting rampage won a delay Wednesday that is expected to move his case to the incoming commander who will decide whether he will go to trial and face the death penalty.

Lt. Gen. Robert Cone, the departing commanding general, granted a request by Maj. Nidal Hasan's attorney to delay proceedings until late April, when Maj. Gen. Donald Campbell is expected to assume command at the post. Hasan's lead attorney, John Galligan, contended Cone wouldn't have been impartial because he was at Fort Hood on Nov. 5, 2009, and received information about the case early on that may not have been accurate.

Campbell has led the Army Recruiting Command at Fort Knox, Ky.

In a statement to The Associated Press on Wednesday night, Fort Hood officials gave no reason why Cone granted Galligan's request for the delay to meet with the commanding general -- the military official who will decide if Hasan will be court-martialed and face death for 13 counts of premeditated murder and 32 counts of attempted premeditated murder. Two Army colonels already have made that recommendation.

No meeting date has been set,
(not a good sign when the incoming Commander has not put this on his calendar of priorities)
but Galligan likely will meet with Cone's successor, according to the statement. Cone's date of departure hasn't been set. Senate approval is pending for his nomination, announced three weeks ago, to the rank of general and to lead the Army's Training and Doctrine Command at Fort Monroe, Va.
Posted by: Jomomp Cheregum8707 2011-04-07