
Senate Kills Bill Limiting EPA
Senate Republicans are vowing continued efforts to thwart Environmental Protection Agency climate change rules after their amendment to strip the agency's regulatory power was defeated on the floor Wednesday afternoon.
So we'll hafta de-fund and de-fang the female dog.
The Senate turned back Senate Minority leader Mitch McConnell's (R-Ky.) amendment to block greenhouse gas regulations in a 50-50 vote; 60 votes were needed for passage.

A trio of Democratic alternatives that would limit or delay the rules without killing them also failed. The GOP-controlled House is expected to pass legislation Thursday that strips EPA's power to regulate greenhouse gases.
Exercising, while having some health benefits, increases the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, thus, it must be limited to healthy people, no more than 30 minutes per day in 2011, declining to 13 minutes per day by 2035, when all the glaciers melt.
Sen. Mark Begich (Dope-Alaska) said the Senate should move on.

Move on to what? "Hopefully to an energy plan that actually resolves this issue once and for all instead of the political games we are playing," Begich said in the Capitol.
One man's energy plan is another's politics.
Begich supports crafting energy legislation that preempts EPA's rules while promoting low-carbon technologies and domestic oil-and-gas drilling.
So he doesn't like the EPA rules, either? But only because he knows better!
But the usual suspects got quoted:
"Today, the Senate stood up for children and families by defeating four amendments that would have interfered with EPA's efforts to protect the health and safety of the American public," said Sen. Barbara Boxer (Dim-Calif.), chairwoman of the Environment and Public Works Committee, in a statement prepared by someone a good deal smarter than the Senator.
Posted by: Bobby 2011-04-08