
Muslims outraged by Trinny & Susannah
Advertisements for the "Trinny & Susannah Do Israel" show have sparked outrage among Muslims, because it shows the two British fashion advisors dressed in immodest clothing with the al-Aqsa Mosque in the background. Channel 10 has apologized for the incident and promised to change the ads immediately.

The Islamic Movement's al-Aqsa institution association slammed Channel 10 for publishing a picture of the two women wearing strapless dresses against the backdrop of the mosque.

The association's statement said that "the publication of such abomination against the backdrop of an image of the al-Aqsa Mosque, in order to promote a television program on fashion and clothes, is a blatant violation and a desecration of Islam's holy mosque. This is an insult to more than one and a half billion Muslims in the world."

They demanded that Channel 10 immediately remove the ads. "This is not the first time Israelis make use of pictures of the al-Aqsa Mosque, which violate the sanctity of Islam, whether with alcohol bottles or in order to promote tourism to occupied Jerusalem. We call for the immediate removal of the newspaper ads."

Channel 10 offered the following response: "The television show has no intention of offending any religion or faith in any way. The publication of the discussed ads will be stopped immediately. We had no intention and have no intention of hurting the feelings of Jews, Muslims, Christians or any other people. We apologize if these ads have offended any religious sentiments."
Anyone who knows how to replace the "rage boy" image with the ad image at the link, please feel free. ;-)

Posted by: ryuge 2011-04-08