
House Overturns FCC 'Net-Neutrality' Rules
There is so much double-talk and weasel-speak surrounding 'net-neutrality' that I assume it is more socialist mischief being enabled by the MSM. But anyway...
The House of Representatives approved a resolution to overturn the FCC's Internet rules with a 240 to 179 vote. Only six House Democrats voted in favor of the proposal, which drew support mostly from Republicans. It is unlikely the proposal will pass the Democratic-controlled Senate and earlier this week the White House threatened to veto the measure if it lands on President Barack Obama's desk.

The new rules would prohibit Internet providers from deliberately blocking or slowing legal Internet sites or services. The agency approved the new rules in December over the objections of Republican FCC members, who argued that the agency doesn't have the authority to enforce the new rules.

"There is no crisis warranting government intervention," said Rep. Greg Walden (R, Ore.), chairman of the House Subcommittee on Communications and Technology. The chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, Fred Upton of Michigan, agreed, saying that "the Internet is not broken and this bill will assure that the FCC does not break it."
Posted by: Free Radical 2011-04-08