
From an Arab Spring to a Muslim Winter
The Communists wanted to turn every country in the world into communists, the Muslims want to turn every nation Islamic, and we want to turn them all into Democrats. Our national passion for democracy long ago overshot baseball, football, horse racing and billiards. Lately even our wars have turned into perverse democracy crusades. But the tonic of democracy does not cure all ills And like most medicines, it is quite poisonous when used against the doctor’s instructions..

Lately some of us have gotten caught up in the idea that the Arabs have finally become just as passionate about democracy as us. But where we have come to value democracy as an end, their passion is for democracy as a tool of change, a means, not an end. Even the most devout Mahmoud, his scraggly beard caught in the pages of the Koran, blesses democracy as Halal, so long as it ushers in the rule of the devout. What matter if the Caliphate comes by way of a lottery, inherited monarchy or the ballot box—so long as it comes.

...You can teach people to count ballots, but you can’t teach them to understand why they count. They have to learn that for themselves. Otherwise they’ll start miscounting the ballots or shooting everyone who doesn’t vote the right way.

...Most revolutions like to call themselves democratic, because democracy is disruptive to the old order. But their revolutions are only democratic means toward authoritarian ends. The ultimate victory of one faction or another. And they typically have as much use for democracy, as the Muslim armies who captured Alexandria had for its library.

...Islam’s constitution is the Koran, which makes any national constitution the work of a lower body, to be overruled by even the meanest Hadith. Roughly on a par with UN covenants on women’s rights and binding contracts signed with foreigners. Democracy decentralizes power by vesting power in the people’s will. Islam centralizes it in the binding of the Koran and the mouths of the Clerics who have memorized every verse. To question that centralization is to court blasphemy. And if the courts don’t sentence you, the mob will.

By salaaming before the Koran, and apologizing for everyone who takes a lighter to a redundant copy of the orally transmitted venom of a frustrated desert merchant, we place the Koran above the people and the Constitution. Not by their will, but by the will of our own clerics. Clerics who subscribe neither to the Constitution or the Koran, but to the Emily Post Guide to Politically Correct International Appeasement. The Muslims have their Mullahs and we have our Senators. But the advantage of democracy is that we can more easily remove a Senator, than they can remove a Mullah. And we can generally do it without being burned at the stake for blasphemy. Which is why neither Senators nor Mullahs are fond of democracy.
Posted by: g(r)omgoru 2011-04-13