
More on bin Laden - as of 3 pm ET
DNA test on bin Laden shows strong match to family

WASHINGTON - DNA tests on the body of Osama bin Laden showed a virtual 100 percent match to relatives, and a woman believed to be his wife also identified him by name, a senior US intelligence official told reporters on Monday.
"He's dead, Jim."
The United States was now reviewing a large cache of materials seized at the compound in Pakistan where US forces killed bin Laden, the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity to reporters.
Woo hoo -- documents! Cell phones!! Computer hard drives!!111!1!!11
"Those materials are currently being exploited and analyzed and a task force is being set up at CIA ... given the volume of materials collected at the raid site," the official said.

General Musharref: Mission violated Pakistani sovereignty
True. But in a good way.

Gen. Musharref: bin Laden's death a positive step

DUBAI - Pakistan's former military ruler Pervez Musharraf said on Monday that news of Osama bin Laden's death was a "positive step" even as he criticized the United States for launching the raid within his country's borders.

Calling it a victory for the people of Pakistan, Musharraf said he also expected some short-term instability due to acts of revenge.

"It's a very positive step and it will have positive long-term implications," Musharraf told Reuters in Dubai, where he has a home. "Today we won a battle, but the war against terror will continue."
Posted by: 2011-05-02