
Why CIA put People’s War on terror list
A confidential input from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) on the growing presence of the People’s War in India and the ultra-left wing outfit’s efforts to forge a grand alliance of Maoist and communist groups across the world reportedly played a decisive role in the US placing the PW in the terror list. The CIA input, police sources monitoring naxalite activities said, has also spoken about the possible merger of the Maoist Coordination Centre (MCC) with the PW, thus making the latter a formidable extremist outfit in the country. The MCC has also been placed in the watch list of terror organisations. The sources said Indian intelligence agencies were exchanging information on the extremist front with their American counterparts, and during one such meeting last month, the former passed on information about the third conference of the Coordination Committee of Maoist Parties and Organisations of South Asia (CCOMPOSA) held at the behest of the PW.

The political resolution of the CCOMPOSA meeting, held on March 19, made a sharp attack on US-led imperialists and asked people to resist the American aggression. The sources pointed out that the two Indian intelligence arms — Intelligence Bureau (IB) and Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) — too provided the needed input to the CIA on the PW agenda in bringing all left-wing revolutionary outfits in the world under the aegis of the Revolution International Movement (RIM). The CCOMPOSA meet also dwelled on uniting all Maoist groups in South Asia. Maoist groups in India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan and a splinter group from Sri Lanka are members of the committee.

Though the police authorities in the state might not get any immediate benefits from the US move, in the long run, the new order will curtail the PW from seeking ’external’ support. "Now onwards, the PW will be under the watchful eyes of the CIA," the sources said.
Posted by: Paul Moloney 2004-05-04