
Iraqi torture was devised by CIA, claims lawyer
The torture and humiliation of Iraqi prisoners, captured on camera in a US run Baghdad prison, was controlled and devised by US agencies including the CIA, a lawyer claimed today. Guy Womack, who represents a military policeman under investigation, said the photographs of the Iraq prisoners that have inspired widespread revulsion “were obviously staged” in order to manipulate the prisoners into co-operating with intelligence officials. “They were part of the psychological manipulation of the prisoners being interrogated,” said Womack, lawyer for Charles Graner, a corrections officer who was activated to the military in March 2003 and served at Abu Ghraib. “It was being controlled and devised by the military intelligence community and other governmental agencies, including the CIA,” Womack said. The soldiers, he said, were simply “following orders”. President George Bush has urged his Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld to quickly get to the bottom of the Abu Ghraib scandal and to ensure that US soldiers found guilty of misbehaviour are appropriately punished. The president said he had been ”shaken” by the reports of prisoner abuse “because I know that this doesn’t reflect the values of our country”.
I picked this article because it illustrates that the so called ’abuse’ and ’torture’ were deliberate interrogation techniques. The media has gone into feeding frenzy over what are at worse minor abuses. Ladies and gentlemen I fear Iraq has been lost right here. Nobody seems prepared to stand up and say some people may have overstepped the mark, but where are the bodies, the raped girls, the men with ears and tongues cut out?

The whole thing was summed up for me when one the men who were photographed hooded with wires attached, after ranting for a minute, concluded with "They treated us like women.". And that my friend says it all.

Posted by: Phil B 2004-05-04