
Senate Goes After Big Oil
Senate Democrats unveiled a plan Tuesday to save $21 billion over the next decade by eliminating tax breaks for the nation's five biggest oil companies, a move designed to counter Republican demands to control the soaring national debt without new taxes.

With the proposal, Democrats sought to reframe the debate over debt reduction to include fresh revenue as well as sharp cuts in spending. For the first time, Democratic leaders suggested an equal split between spending cuts and new taxes -- "50-50," said Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid (Nev.).
Hey! they left off the (D)!
(D-$21 bil. taxes)
"We're not going to raise taxes," Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) told reporters.
And the (R)
(R- $2 tril. spending cuts, if he's willing to go to the mattresses along with House Speaker John Boehner (R- $2 tril. spending cuts))
"That was decided in last November's election. I think the American people pretty clearly believe that we have the deficit problem because we spend too much, not because we tax too little."
Good for you, Mitch!
The clash over oil company subsidies is the latest flare-up in a broader battle over the most controversial budget issues: Republican demands for cuts to Medicare and other entitlement programs, and Democratic insistence on new revenue.
So, as usual, the Dims want to compromise and raise taxes.
Posted by: Bobby 2011-05-11