
UK Has Prepared Emergency Plan to Instantly Deport Moslem Fanatics
Muslim extremists face instant arrest and deportation if Britain is hit by a terror attack, it emerged last night. First out will be rabble-rousing cleric Abu Hamza followed by a dozen other known fanatics. Emergency powers have been drawn up to bypass long-winded appeals, sources revealed yesterday. Judicial reviews — used by lawyers to drag out appeals — will be axed. Asylum claims will be fast-tracked and rejected where appropriate. And judges who put human rights ahead of national security will be bypassed.

But there is little chance of the new powers being rushed through Parliament until AFTER terrorists commit an outrage — which is now seen as inevitable by police and MI5 chiefs. The current law is in sharp contrast to France, which acts to expel extremists within DAYS. It has already sent five hate-filled Islamic clerics packing so far this year. A top Government source said: “If France can do it, so can we. There is a very strong case for this. But it will mean big changes in the law.”

A highly-placed figure close to the PM admitted it would be hard to act before an atrocity. He said: “The judges who are now in place came into the law in the 1960s and take a very literal view of the Human Rights Act. “They automatically refer cases to appeal rather than risk an infringement of human rights.”

Ministers are also reluctant to deport anyone who might face the death penalty. But there are fears of public fury if trouble-makers like Hamza are left to spew out propaganda after an attack. British-born suicide bombers involved in terror attacks in Israel have been linked to Hamza. And there are claims he incites impressionable young UK Muslims to carry out suicide bombings in Britain. He has used a string of expensive appeals, paid for by taxpayers, to drag out moves to expel him to Egypt where he faces terror charges. Lawyers argue that he risks the death sentence there.

The Government blames Tory and Lib Dem peers for blocking fast-track deportation measures in the new Asylum Bill, now before Parliament. A Tory party spokeswoman claimed yesterday that the “catch-all” clause was too sweeping. But she added that the Conservatives would back powers to “deport foreign nationals judged to be a risk to public security”.
Posted by: Mike Sylwester 2004-05-04