
Gadhafi taunts NATO
TRIPOLI, Libya – Taunting NATO, Moammar Gadhafi said Friday that he is alive despite a series of airstrikes and "in a place where you can't get me."
"Nah-nah nah nah-nah!"
The defiant audio recording was broadcast after the Libyan government accused NATO of killing 11 Muslim clerics with an airstrike on a disputed eastern oil town.

Gadhafi had appeared on state TV but not been heard speaking since a NATO attack on his Tripoli compound two weeks ago, which officials said killed one of his sons and three grandchildren. In a brief recording played Friday on Libyan TV, Gadhafi said he wanted to assure Libyans concerned about a strike this week on his compound in Tripoli.

"I tell the coward crusaders — I live in a place where you can't get to me," he said.
We'll be the judge of that...
"I live in the hearts of millions."

Many people "driven by their love for me put in many calls to check on my well-being after they heard of the cowardly missile attack of the crusaders on Bab al-Aziziya last Thursday, May 12," Gadhafi said in the recording, which lasted just over a minute.

NATO laughed shrugged off the statement.

"We are not targeting him, our targets are solely military," alliance spokeswoman Carmen Romero said in Brussels.
And the Duck of Death is a military man...

Posted by: Steve White 2011-05-14