
Clashes erupt in Sudan despite being elected to U.N. Rights Body cease-fire
Fighting has erupted between Sudanese government forces and rebels in western Sudan despite a cease-fire signed last month to halt the conflict, Sudanese military and security sources said on Wednesday.
Looks like the newly elected memeber of the U.N. Rights Body got right to work on saving the world.
The sources in the impoverished region of Darfur told Reuters that clashes around Abu Gamra, about 45 km north of the town of Kebkabiya, involved forces commanded by Sudan’s army. "We are still fighting factions of the rebels. The fighting is continuing. We have to destroy them. These are our orders," a senior Sudanese myrmidon military source told Reuters, speaking by telephone from Darfur.
Posted by: Dragon Fly 2004-05-05