
President to be interviewed by Al-Arabiya about prison pictures
White House spokesman Scott McClellan said Tuesday night that Bush will conduct two 10-minute interviews with the U.S.-sponsored Al-Hurra television network and the Arab network Al Arabiya.
This could turn out very badly.
"This is an opportunity for the president to speak directly to the people in Arab nations and let them know that the images that we all have seen are shameless and unacceptable," McClellan said.
We worry entirely too much about Arab sensitivities. They have absolutely no concern for ours.
"These images do not represent what America stands for, nor do they represent the high standards of conduct that our military is committed to upholding," he continued. "What occurred was wrong, and it will not be tolerated by America." He declined to say why Bush will not interview with the Arab network Al-Jazeera.
Al Jazeera is different from CNN how?
Posted by: RWV 2004-05-05