
Badanov's Buzzkill Bulletin
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Since May 17th Mexican security forces seized 154 kilograms of cocaine, 775 kilograms of marijuana, 1,255 kilograms of methamphetimine and 227 liters of methamphetamine in liquid form.

  • Mexican Policia Federal agents assigned to monitor package traffic at Mexico City's airport seized one kilogram of cocaine in a box bound for Chicago last Thursday. Agents detected the package because its declared contents did not match the weight, and when the package was opened, agents found a hidden compartment with the drugs.

  • Policia Federal agents in Distrito Federal arrested two individuals in separate extortion cases. Mario Aguilar Yslas, 35, was arrested following complaints from businesses in the Juan Escutia colony that a man was calling them by phone and demanding money for protection.

    José Alberto Lara Melendez, 20, was arrested in the Santa Martha Acatitla colony when agents learned he intended to collect payments from telephone calls he made extorting money. Agents seized a Nissan X-trail SUV and about MP $5,000.00 (USD $430.16) in the arrest.

  • Units from the Mexican 15th Military zone seized drugs and weapons in two operations in Michoacan and Jalisco May 18th.

    A detachment on patrol in the village of El Zapote in Tequila, Jalisco seized 390 kilograms of marijuana.

    In Tepalcatepec, Michoacan, an army unit seized one rifle, a 66mm rocket launcher (probably a US LAWS rocket), one fragmentary grenade, three weapons magazines, 70 rounds of ammunition, four bulletproof vests and one armored vehicle.

  • Detachments from the Mexican 2nd Military Zone raided three locations in Baja California and seized a quantity of drugs, weapons and other contraband.
    • An army units raided a location May 18th on calle Josefa Ortiz de Domínguez in the Mariano Matamoros colony in the La Presa delegation in Tijuana, Baja California Wednesday following a citizen's complaint and seized six kilograms of methamphetamine, USD $640.00, MP $370.00 (USD $31.83) and a vehicle.

    • Also acting on a citizen's complaint, an army unit raided a location May 18th on calle Bahia Concepcion in the Buenos Aires Sur colony in the Cerro Colorado delegation and seized four kilograms of methamphetamine, USD $260.00 and MP $400 pesos (USD $34.41), and a one vehicle.

    • On May 17th an army unit raided a location on calzadas Independencia and Carranza in the La Rivera Oriente colony in Mexicali. Five individuals were arrested. A total of 175 kilograms of marijuana , two handguns, two magazines, 46 rounds of ammunition, USD $18,000.00 and 8 vehicles were seized.

    • A unit of the Mexican 4th Military Zone located and dismantled a drug laboratory in the state of Sonra May 18th. The laboratory was in the Soto, municipio de Etchojoa municipality where soldiers seized five kilograms of methamphetamine, 25 liters of methamphetamine in the processing stage, 32 each 19 liter plastic buckets with precursor chemicals, 2,450 kilograms of caustic soda in 98 bags, 3,000 kilograms of tartaric acid in 120 bags, 101 each 200 liter dairy containers, lab equipment and a vehicle.

    • A detachment of the Mexican 9th Military Zone discovered a clandestine drug laboratory in Sinaloa May 18th. The lab was located in the village of Carricitos de Los Astorga in the Culiacän municipality, where soldiers found two liters of methamphetamine, 700 liters of hydrochloric acid, 400 liters of acetone, 400 liters of ethyl alcohol, 1,680 Liters of liquid toluene, 575 kilograms of caustic soda, lab equipment and four weapons magazines for AK-47 assault rifles.

    • A detachment of the Mexican 26th Military Zone found a hidden drug lab in Veracruz last May 12th. The lab was on El Rancho Nueva Lucha in Ursula Galvan municipality. One man was arrested. Soldiers also found 1.240 kilograms of methamphetamine, 200 liters of methamphetamine in solution, 5,600 liters of ethanol, 4,000 liters of methylamine, 1,625 kilograms of tartaric acid, 1,600 liters of hydrochloric acid, 1,410 liters of acetone, 1,200 liters of acetic anhydride, 825 kilograms of sodium hydroxide, 248 kilograms of aluminum, 132 kilograms of sodium acetate, 100 kilograms of lead acetate and one vehicle.

    • Elements of the Mexican 20th Military Zone seized a quantity of drugs and weapon in two separate raids in Jalisco May 19th.
      • An army detachment seized drugs and weapons on Calle Hidalgo in the Tuxpan, Jalisco municipality, seizing one 5.56mm assault rifle, one 5,56mm M-16A2 rifle, one 12 gauge shotgun, two .22 caliber rifles, one .25 caliber pistol, one .22 caliber pistol, seven 40mm grenades, one 40mm grenade launcher attachment, 13 weapons magazines, 460 rounds of ammunition and 40 kilograms of marijuana.

      • In the village of in the Pihuamo municipality, a Mexican army unit seized one 12 gauge shotgun, one .223 caliber AR-15 assault rifle, two weapons magazines, eight rounds of ammunition, 120 kilograms of marijuana, and 20 kilograms of marijuana seed.

    • A unit of the Mexican Military Zone arrested eight individuals and seized a quantity of drugs and weapons May 21st in Valle de Mexicali, Baja California. The take included 153 kilograms of cocaine, 50 kilograms of marihuana, a small amount of methamphetamine, four rifles, four handguns, USD $155.00 and 16 vehicles.

    Posted by: badanov 2011-05-23