
Surprise - Michael Moore’s A Liar!
Yes, I know, a real news flash. Hat tip to Drudge:
Lies And Moore Lies [Updated]
Is bloviator Michael Moore making up stuff again? Sure looks like it.
We’d expect no less...
Just days from the opening of the Cannes Film Festival he’s basking in a vat of lard wave of publicity that the Walt Disney Company is blocking his arteries subsidiary Miramax from distributing his new angioplasty treatment documentary “Fahrenheit 9/11” on political grounds. Publicity-hound Moore’s allegations about Disney ring false. The very same Disney Company -- through its Hyperion division-- just published Pacifica Radio host Amy Goodman’s new book “The Exception to the Rulers” – a volume brimming with just as much lefty fringe politics and anti-Bush theorizing as contained in Moore’s films. Indeed, Goodman’s book is a blunder-buss assualt on corporate media conglomerates-- like Disney!
But not Disney itself? Seems like this is selective outrage, typical of Nader types. That, or she’s smart enough not to bite the hand that feeds her.
The Mouse House seems sophsiticated enough to put up with and even finance the slapshots by Goodman and Moore if a profit is to be made. Duh! Dissecting the current dust-up, it seems clear that Disney never intended to distribute Moore’s film. Maybe the Mousketeers are cowards, but at least they are consistent. And Moore is whining now only to hype the pre-Cannes buzz. Sources report that Miramax never planned to release the Moore film, that it was always slated to come out through Lions Gate, as did the earlier Dogma.
Noted elsewhere is that Clinton supporter / financial contributor Harvey Weinstein runs Miramax, so this doesn’t quite jibe with me; you’d figure Miramax would snap it up and release it, oh, say, around October 20th, wouldn’t you?
Below find an exclusive full text copy of the article by Andrew Gumbel which will appear in Thursday’s London-based daily The Independent which quotes inside sources saying there is nothing new in Disney’s red light, that Moore knew it was a no-go from the outset. After you’ve read Andrew’s piece take a look at this L.A. Weekly column I wrote in March describing Moore as the Ann Coulter of the left.
Except that most men wouldn’t mind having sex with Ann; I doubt that ladies that have any level of taste / self-respect would say the same about Flint’s answer to the Goodyear Blimp.
Posted by: Raj 2004-05-05