
Picture of two quiet men
This site shows a picture of George Bush quietly keeping a promise to a wounded soldier. Picture the media circus surrounding Kerry doing this. Character counts

Staff Sergeant Mike McNaughton, Louisiana National Guard, stepped on a landmine in Afghanistan Christmas 2002. President Bush came to visit the wounded in the hospital. He told Mike that when he could run a mile, that they would go on a run together. True to his word, he called Mike every month or so to see how he was doing. Well, last week they went on the run, 1 mile with the president. Not something you’ll see in the news, but seeing the president taking the time to say thank you to the wounded and to give hope to one of my best friends was one of the greatest/best things I have seen in my life. It almost sounds like a corny email chain letter, but God bless him.

CPT Justin P. Dodge, MD
Flight Surgeon, 1-2 AVN RGT
Medical Corps, U.S. Army
Posted by: RWV 2004-05-06