
Karbala follies: Turban day at the park
From the NYT, so it must be true.
The American military has begun its first major assault against Shiite insurgents, striking at their enclaves in Karbala and in Diwaniya in an effort to regain control in southern Iraq. The operation began at 11 p.m. on Tuesday and took place in two waves. The first assault began late Tuesday here and in Diwaniya, and ended at dawn on Wednesday. The second unfolded just after midnight Thursday in this city, when more than 450 soldiers in armored vehicles rumbled into a neighborhood amusement park where Mr. Sadr’s militiamen, known as the Mahdi Army, were storing heavy weapons near a ferris wheel and bumper car ride. At 12:30 a.m., soldiers were drawn into an intense firefight, killing an Iraqi who had been lobbing grenades from the area of the pirate ship ride.
Yaaarrr! BANG aaaaarrrrrrrrr

Really, we don't make this stuff up...

Posted by: RWV 2004-05-06