
Iraq: Another Islamic ’Suicide’ Bomber Murders More Victims!
Did you ever ponder whenever the ’Hate America First’ types speak out on the subject of the Middle-East, they NEVER, EVER, take the initial step in condemning Muslim suicide (homicide) bombers as in the May 6th, 2004 news item printed below.)
U.S. military officials say a suicide car bomb exploded Thursday at a checkpoint to the zone that houses U.S administrative offices in central Baghdad, killing six Iraqi civilians and one U.S. soldier and injuring 25 people. Authorities say the injured include two U.S. soldiers and three Iraqi policemen. The bomb, hidden inside an orange-and-white Baghdad taxi, exploded outside of a three-foot-high concrete blast wall. The wall shields cars driving up to a checkpoint just before a bridge spanning the Tigris River that leads into the so-called Green Zone, a sprawling area that houses the U.S.-led coalition and is walled off from the rest of Baghdad. "At 7:26 a.m., what appeared to be a suicide bomber in a car pulled up to the checkpoint, and then three cars back from the checkpoint, detonated his bomb," said Col. John Murray of the U.S. Army’s 1st Cavalry Division.

About 10 Iraqi cars were lined up inside of the blast barriers when the car bomb exploded. "There was a long line of cars. Fortunately, the blast barriers worked in this case," Murray said. The blast incinerated three cars, reducing them to hulks of twisted, charred metal. Another five cars were badly damaged, some turned on their side from the force of the blast. The explosion was so strong that it hurled the engine of the car carrying the bomb some 15 feet from the site of the blast. Shattered glass from nearby shops littered the area. A column of thick black smoke rose from the blast site and drifted across Baghdad. The force of the blast shattered windows in homes nearby and in some cases, threw doors right off their hinges. The car that held the bomb burned after the blast and it took several firemen to put out the flames.

On Jan. 17, an Arab suicide truck bombing at a Green Zone gate in central Baghdad killed 24 people and wounded about 120. Three U.S. civilians and three American soldiers were among the injured in the bombing at what U.S. soldiers call the "Assassins’ Gate," an ornate gate leading to Saddam Hussein’s former Republican Palace compound, now the headquarters of the U.S.-led anti-terrorist Coalition forces.
(Think, just one member jihad’s international Death Cult was able to make his dreams come true by blowing himself to Hell plus he murders & severely scares scores of innocent people just walking & driving by....the majority are of course Muslims...they don’t care, because when your hook on a death wish nothing matters. Maybe when some of the terrorist supporting leftwing radicals are blown into liberal portions, some of their comrades might wake up and grasp whom the enemy of world freedom really is .......the Death Cultists. One bright spot, recall that Arab/Muslim suicide bomber only strike ONCE! Too bad these demented things could not ’practice’ on each other, 10 at a time. The war would be finished real soon.)
Posted by: Mark Espinola 2004-05-06