
Egypt urges Syria’s Assad to reform
NEW DELHI — Egypt on Monday urged the Syrian regime of President Bashar al-Assad to enact reforms to satisfy pro-democracy protesters as violence there saw another 15 people killed, according to activists.
There are few governments who know more about 'pro-democracy' reforms than the Egyptian one, huh...
“We hope that the Syrians in a peaceful manner resolve their problems,” Egyptian Foreign Minister Nabil al-Arabi told reporters during a trip to India. “Whatever reforms the people would like, it should be looked at in a positive manner,” he added.
This would have nothing, nothing to do with the fact that the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and the Mad Mullahs™ in Iran hate each other...
Arabi explained how the so-called “Arab Spring” — pro-democracy movements in North Africa and the Middle East that have challenged autocratic regimes — had changed the expectations of people across the region.

“A wind of change has blown in the Arab world,” he said. “We have already seen changes in the region and there’ll be changes in other countries... it could differ, but change is where people can live in democracy, with good governance, the rule of law and be able to express themselves freely.”
"So you Sunnis in Syria should throw off your Shi'a/Alawite masters and be more like us."
The United Nations on Monday condemned the “shocking” brutality of Assad’s regime as activists said at least 15 people were killed in the latest crackdown on protesters.
Posted by: Steve White 2011-05-31