
"I can’t spare this man -- he fights!"
Fox News. EFL. Headline is a paraphrase of a comment by another wartime President when faced with similar attacks on his best general.

WASHINGTON — Donald Rumsfeld "absolutely" will stay on as President Bush’s Defense secretary so long as he wants the job, despite calls from some losers congressional Democrats for his replacement, White House officials said Thursday.

He is doing a great job," White House spokesman Scott McClellan told reporters amid questions as to the Pentagon official’s future as controversy continued to swirl around photographs depicting a few U.S. military personnel abusing Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison outside of Baghdad. . . .

Earlier in the day, there were reports that Bush chastised Rumsfeld for failing to tell him about pictures of prisoner mistreatment in Iraq, White House aides said. Two Bush advisers, however, said that Bush stood firmly behind Rumsfeld despite what one called the "mild rebuke."

These people are professionals. Bush can tell Rummy that he thinks Rummy screwed up, and Rummy can accept his boss’ criticism, without wrecking their working relationship.
Posted by: Mike 2004-05-06