
How do we judge if someone is kaafir?
From al-Muhajiroun, Followers of Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaa’ah
How do we judge if someone is kaafir? Can we judge someone’s heart, to see if he is kaafir? Is that possible? .... When we see someone who is clearly in kufr and Shirk, or we see people competing with Allah (swt), i.e. that they are Taghout, there is no need for us to check his heart, we must make Takfeer on him - that is the Haq of Allah (swt). .....

Usama bin Zaid was sent in an expedition, he spoke about one man in the battlefield, he said: "
 I saw one of them, he said "laa ilaaha illallah". I stabbed him, and after that I felt bad .... The Prophet (saw) asked: "did he say laa ilaha illallah, and you killed him? ... He (saw) asked "did you check his heart to see if he believed it?" he kept on repeating that question .... "

Furthermore, Al Mikhdaad ibn Aswad asked: "If I found someone who came to me and he fought me, and he cut off my hand, then he went to a tree and I overpower him, and he said ’laa ilaaha illallah,’ shouldn’t I kill him?" the Prophet (saw) said: "do not kill him ..."

we find ourselves in a very strange situation, we are all surrounded by kufr and shirk, and we find false prophets and false gods all around us, calling for Democracy, for freedom, for capitalism. .... we find many Taghout like Musailamah. If we are silent against these tawagheet, .... then we would fall in the same hole and would be in the same situation as Muja’a. Imam Shafi’i explained that the silence of Muja’a was enough for Khalid bin Waleed to declare him kafir. Without a doubt we must protect ourselves from this kufr and forbid this munkar - the greatest of all munkars - i.e. Al Shirk. Furthermore, if the silence of Muja’ah is enough kufr, then what of those people who support and vote for the Musailamah of today...? ]

Allah (swt) revealed to Muhammad (saw) that he did not commit Muwalaat Al Kubra, but that he committed Muwalaat Al Sughra i.e. kufr duna kufr. .... Despite this, Muhammad (saw) did NOT condemn Umar for making takfir, nor defend Haatib from Umar’s takfir, rather he just said: "I have been informed that Haatib did not say it out of Muwalaat." .... Furthermore, Muhammad (saw) consented to the takfeer of Umar ibn Khattab here, and only excused Haatib because Allah (swt) made excuse for him via the Wahi, however the Wahi stopped after Muhammad (saw). Furthermore, this is specific to Haatib .....

Furthermore, it is reported that, "Muslims chased a man with ghanima, the man turned and said ’Assalamu ’Alaikum’ they killed him. Allah (swt) revealed, "do not say to the one who says assalamu Alaikum, that you are not mu’min." and after that those Muslims never stopped paying kafarah." However this is not so simple, the Tatarians used to say, laa ilaaha illallah, and pray, and give zakah. Yet because they referred to the Qur’an .... fattawa were given to kill them even if they were praying in the masjid. .....

The Prophet (saw) said: "There cannot be two things in the heart of the mu’min, kufr and imaan, if they meet he is kaafir."

If there is Imaan and Kufr, the kufr overrides and takes over, so we call him kafir. .... We cannot excuse this Shirk in Allah (swt), .... Whether they say ’laa ilaha illallah’ or not, whether they pray five times a day or not, or whether they fast in Ramadhan or not, they are Murtad Kafir ... so we judge the kufr actions of the taghout rulers to be in accordance to their kufr intentions, not to claim that they commit kufr with a good Islamic intention - this is both ridiculous and contradictory to the Shari’ah.
Posted by: Mike Sylwester 2004-05-06