
Nottingham University films extremists, causes uproar
Secret documents relating to a "major Islamist plot" have shown that security staff from a leading university have been filming students on campus as a method of monitoring potential extremists.
OMG!!! A nefarious plot!!!1!!11!
More than 200 university documents -- along with material from the Met's counter-terrorism command, Special Branch and the Crown Prosecution Service -- reveal the controversial techniques being used to monitor students.
Waterboarding? Breaking into their rooms to bug their laptops?? Reading their texts??!?!?!?
The documents, published today [June 11] on the website Unileaks, follows the government's publication of its Prevent strategy, aimed at targeting radicalisation in universities but has fueled concerns that it could encourage Islamophobia.

The material charts the results of the May 2008 arrest by counter-terrorism officers of Nottingham student Rizwaan Sabir and of Hicham Yezza, who worked at the university's school of modern languages.

Sabir had downloaded an al-Qaida training manual as part of research for a dissertation, and had sought Yezza's help in drafting a PhD proposal because of his position as the editor of Ceasefire, a political magazine.

Although campaigners say the manual was available in the university's own library and that versions are widely available from retailers, university officials alerted the police. Both men were released without charge six days later.

Even so, documents released under the Freedom of Information Act reveal that the arrests were mentioned in a report, cited by the Home Office, called Islamist Terrorist Plots in Great Britain: Uncovering the Global Network.

They also reveal how the security staff kept a log of Middle East-related activities on campus, including records of talks and seminars revolving around Palestine and other issues.
A wise move, given current realities.
A spokesman for Nottingham University, whose security officials filmed a demonstration against the arrests last month, rejected the idea that the university secretly filmed students on campus. He said students were fully aware of the procedure and that security staff were often filmed themselves.

Staff and students who spoke out in support of Yezza and Sabir were logged by a Whitehall counter-terrorism unit called the Research, Information and Communications Unit, which is embedded in the government's Office for Security and Counter-Terrorism. Shami Chakrabarti, director of pressure group Liberty, said: "Is it right that universities are taking on policing duties?"
Do they want their universities to continue to be hotbeds of radicalization and terror recruitment? Or do they want to be a force for education and training for the benefit of both the students and society?
Last month, Nottingham University lecturer Dr Rod Thornton was suspended for writing an article critical of the university's treatment of Sabir.

In a paper prepared for the British International Studies Association, he alleged the university "refused to apologise to the men" and attempted to smear them.

"Untruth piled on untruth until a point was reached where the Home Office itself farcically came to advertise the case as a 'major Islamist plot'," he wrote.

The university responded by suspending Thornton, who lectures on security issues and is a former infantryman who served in Northern Ireland. That prompted an international outcry in which 67 academics, including Noam Chomsky, demanded his "immediate reinstatement". The group claimed the original arrests were "indicative of a growing tide of Islamophobia".
Posted by: ryuge 2011-06-13