
Austen (The Moderate) Goolsbee Departs
Goolsbee, chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, comes from the empirical school of economic thought: He rejects ideology and hifalutin theories in favor of cold, hard data. He believes in what works.
Or what he thinks will work. Or is told will work.
*sigh* Dana Milbank is getting folksy again.
But when he brought his family from Chicago to Washington two and a half years ago and joined the Obama administration, he found a culture based on ancient superstitions: liberals who think the religion of government holds all the answers, and conservatives who adhere to a religious belief that all ills can be cured by dramatic cuts in government spending and taxes. Goolsbee is a voice of sweet reason in a town that resists common sense.

His methodical approach has reinforced Obama's own instinct to take the long view.
That's 'cause he's smarter than all o' us put together, poor man. How it must pain him just to be in the same universe with the rest of us.
In returning to Chicago, Goolsbee is guessing that little economic policy will be made in Washington over the next 17 months and that he will be of more use to Obama as a surrogate for the reelection campaign. But his departure also increases the risk that Obama will panic, that he will be spooked by a continuing trend of monthly jobs report or month after month of poor poll numbers and feel pressure from his political advisers to give in to the ideologues' demands.
The ideologues. The bad people. The ones put there by The One.
Waitaminit -- really, really smart people don't panic, they plan. Why on earth would Mr. Milbank say such a thing?
I've known Goolsbee since we went to college together nearly a quarter-century ago. Though he has been discreet with me about his role in the administration, my other reporting suggests that his moderating influence on Obama should not be underestimated.
Hey! Who knows? Without Austen, the "stimulus" might've been $3 trillion.
So he's saying that President Obama is Professor Goolsbee's puppet, and without the good professor he'll swing thoughtlessly from panic to panic? Surely not.
The two men met when Obama was still an unknown state senator seeking to assemble a 2004 Senate campaign in Illinois. Obama called economists at Harvard, but they didn't return his calls.
Goolsbee, then a University of Chicago wunderkind, was happy to call him back. When Obama first met the lanky 34-year-old, his first words were, "You can't be Professor Goolsbee! Professor Goolsbee smokes a pipe."
And they say Sarah Palin says stoopid things.
Obama has heeded Goolsbee's counsel ever since -- forgiving him when he caused a kerfuffle during the 2008 campaign over Obama's position on NAFTA -- and reportedly was not thrilled with Goolsbee's decision to return to Chicago. That's understandable: Obama's middle-of-the-road for Karl Marx economic policy may be the right one, but it is difficult to defend against pressure to do more to reduce stubborn unemployment. Goolsbee has been better than the rest at defending Obama's package of relatively small items, such as worker training and R&D incentives alternately (and unsuccessfully) labeled the "New Foundation" agenda and "Winning the Future."
Better slogans. He needs better slogans. Somebody get him a Slogans Czar!
Goolsbee endorsed many of the now that we look back we can call them extreme measures Obama took two years ago, because the private sector was in free-fall and massive government spending was the only option according to Our Savior.
The only one who said it was the only option was The One who won.
But now the data that I like to look at tell a different story: The private sector has stabilized in a flat spin, profits have returned, productivity is high, American competitiveness has improved, and large sums of money have accumulated on corporate balance sheets.
And the recession ended two years ago.
The most efficient way to produce jobs, then, is to give the private sector incentives to spend its big pile of cash on new hires.
Whoa! Wotta concept! Who thunk that one up? Goolsbee himself?
That's why Obama, on Wednesday, was at a community college in Northern Virginia touting little-known policies such as "Skills for America" and the Workforce Investment Act.
Why are they "little known"? Where are the Zero-compliant media drones when you need them?
But as a political argument, this isn't as clean as the opposition's simple prescription -- huge tax and spending cuts --
Oops! We forgot the slashing of regulations!
or the calls from economists on the left for another massive stimulus. Goolsbee doesn't object to either idea as a matter of ideology; he looks at the data and finds that neither would boost employment as much as what Obama is doing.
Which is little known.
With the disaster in Japan, the debt crisis in Europe, the spike in gas prices and all those other things Obama couldn't control that caused all this mess, including a disappointing unemployment report, it isn't getting any easier to counter the demand for action. With Goolsbee returning to Chicago, it will be that much more difficult for Obama to resist the political pressure to be rash.
Goolsbee was born in Waco, Texas,[and] was raised primarily in Whittier, California [home of Richard Nixon]. [However....] He received both his B.A. and M.A. in economics from Yale University in 1991 and went on to receive his Ph.D. in economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1995. [Both well-known bastions of moderate thinking. Then he became a professor.]
Posted by: Bobby 2011-06-13