
Prince Nayef sez al-Qaeda is backed by the Zionists
Saudi Arabia is in a state of war with terrorism, Interior Minister Prince Nayef declared yesterday. But he also said efforts at communicating with extremists had been effective in bringing a number of them back into the fold. “We are in a state of war and it will end only with the extermination of this deviant group,” he said, but acknowledged that there were contacts with extremists. “It helped correct the extremist views of many deceived young Saudis who were prepared to carry out terrorist attacks.”
Those statements are mutually contradictory. I probably didn't need to point that out, did I?
A number of committees whose members include Islamic scholars have been set up to study the reasons for the spread of terrorism and find out who are financing it and inciting youth to carry out terrorist attacks, he said. He said Saudi security forces were now ahead of the terrorists’ game. “We have paralyzed the movement of terrorists,” Yemen’s September 26 weekly quoted the minister as saying.
Yeah. We saw that in Yanbu...
When asked about the bombing of a security building in Riyadh that killed six people and wounded 145 others, he said the Kingdom was “well prepared to confront such terrorist attacks.” Prince Naif denied a conflict between his account of who was behind the Yanbu killing spree and that of Crown Prince Abdullah. Speaking to top military and civilian officials in Jeddah last Saturday when four terrorists went on a shooting spree in Yanbu killing five Westerners and a National Guard officer, the crown prince said he believed Zionists were behind most terrorist attacks in the Kingdom. But in a press statement after the attack, Prince Naif blamed Al-Qaeda. “I don’t see any contradiction in the two statements, because Al-Qaeda is backed by Israel and Zionism,” he said.
His lips move, words come out, but they make no sense...

Posted by: Dan Darling 2004-05-08