
US just waiting to talk to Zubaydah
  • U.S. officials believe Abu Zubaydah, the top al-Qaida leader now in U.S. hands, can provide a treasure-trove of top-to-bottom information about the terrorist group - information that may include the hiding place of Osama bin Laden. "You can be sure he'll be asked," said one U.S. official, speaking on the condition of anonymity.

    They are already promising a lengthy interrogation of the al-Qaida operations chief, believed to be able to identify names, faces and locations of al-Qaida operatives the world over. Stan Bedlington, a former senior terrorism analyst with the CIA, called Zubaydah's capture "a major, major victory, if not the biggest victory so far... He will know the organization of al-Qaida, if he talks. Osama bin Laden is a master planner. He must have made some contingency plans (for a major U.S. military pursuit). If Abu Zubaydah was privy to that planning, then obviously he can tell us a lot, possibly where Osama bin Laden would go."
    My guess would be they intend to turn him inside out and then squeeeeeeze. After a throrough flensing they can put him here.
    Now, this is the type of fellow the human-rights folks ought to be worried about. I suspect Zubaydah will be in "protective custody" for some years, and only after the news pulps forget his name will he be tribunized and set to trimming the USMC's hedges at Club Gitmo for the rest of his natural days. The human rights advocates can waste their time on the low level gunnies at Gitmo now, but the Zubaydahs ain't never going to go free unless they get really friendly with the CIA.
    Posted by Tom Roberts 4/2/2002 1:40:53 PM
    Can you hear me ululating?
    Posted by Anonymous 4/2/2002 5:47:31 PM
  • Zubaydah, identified by intelligence sources as a force behind the Sept. 11 attacks, was seriously wounded in the stomach and groin by security forces Thursday as he tried to flee a makeshift home and office above a madrassa, or Islamic school, in the industrial city of Faisalabad in eastern Pakistan.
    Above a madrassa, eh? Doesn't that come as a surprise. Wonder who that madrassa was affiliated with?
    Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-04-02
  • http://www.rantburg.com/poparticle.php?ID=3260