
11 Euroloons deported, six wounded
  • About 100 foreigners, mostly Europeans, marched from Bethlehem to nearby Beit Jalla, where Israeli soldiers have imposed a curfew. As the crowd approached Israeli tanks, a soldier fired a burst from a machine gun toward the ground, witnesses said. A British woman was hit in the abdomen by a bullet, while five others were injured by shrapnel. None of the wounds were serious, a hospital official said. "We were only showing solidarity with the Palestinians," said Kunle Ibidun, 30, from Bristol, England, who was among the injured.
    They were only showing solidarity with the rest of the army. What part of "closed area" don't you understand? What were they expecting? Rubber bullets and bean bags?
    The army had no immediate comment on the shooting in Beit Jalla.
    They were still howling with laughter over the stupidity of those people.
    The 11 French activists who were ordered deported came from a group of 50 protesters from several countries who slipped into Arafat's office in Ramallah on Sunday in defiance of the Israeli soldiers who have surrounded the compound. They were led by French anti-globalization activist Jose Bove, who has become a folk hero in France since ransacking an unfinished McDonald's restaurant two years ago.
    These are the scum who were serving as runners and trying to sneak the snuffies out.
    About 20 activists, including Bove, came out after spending about two hours with Arafat. Eleven of the French activists were detained by Israeli soldiers for violating a military order declaring Ramallah off limits.Bove and the other 10 French activists were taken by police to Ben-Gurion Airport near Tel Aviv. Three of them left for Paris on an Air France flight Monday evening. The other eight, Bove included, were to leave on a Turkish Airlines flight early Tuesday, said French Consul Francoise Le Moign said. The police and Interior Ministry said no charges would be filed, but members of the group would not be permitted to return to Israel for 10 years.
    Get the hell out and don't come back.
    Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-04-02
  • http://www.rantburg.com/poparticle.php?ID=3264