
Israel tells Euros to take him if they want him
  • Israel has proposed that besieged Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat be flown into exile by European diplomats, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said Tuesday. It was the first time such a possibility had been raised in public. Palestinian officials said Arafat would never agree to go into exile.

    In a tour of West Bank army bases Tuesday, Sharon said he was asked by European Union envoy Miguel Moratinos whether Arafat would be able to leave Ramallah. "I told him, if they would like, they will fly with a helicopter and will take him from here," Sharon said in remarks carried by Israel Radio. "First I would have to bring this to the Cabinet, second he can't take anyone with him, the murderers who are located around him there and the third thing is that it would have to be a one-way ticket," Sharon said. "He will not be able to return."
    Think hard on this, Yasser. Brussels looks like a better deal than Morocco. Or are you holding out for Miami Beach?

    Steven den Beste thinks Yasser will eventually go, for much the same reasons I do. If Yasser really wanted to be a martyr he'd strap on a dynamite vest and call for a meeting with somebody important. But it's not the head cheeses who explode, it's the fodder, cheap and easily replaced. The Exalted are too important to lose.

    Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-04-02
  • http://www.rantburg.com/poparticle.php?ID=3265