
Disputes, Distrust Dashed Deal
But serious disputes remained. Boehner's aides said the White House had upped its demands on taxes. From $800 billion, it wanted to add $400 billion in revenue, staffers said.
Bad Boner! Didn't recognize a good deal from His Majesty?
And, GOP staffers said, there was a dispute over a "trigger" inserted into the law. This was a provision intended to make sure the two sides kept their promises to return, after raising the debt ceiling, and reform the tax code and entitlement spending.

Boehner's aides wanted something that would be painful for Democrats, to be sure they followed through. They suggested a trigger that would repeal two cherished elements of the health-care law: the individual mandate to purchase health insurance and a special board tasked with monitoring Medicare spending.
I guess they're going to have to wait until after 2012 to drive a stake thru the heart of Obamacare?
Obama's staff said he wouldn't agree to put those two provisions in the trigger. And Obama said he wouldn't accept such large cuts to Medicare if Boehner wouldn't accept that additional $400 billion in tax revenue.
But the Trunks are to blame. At the WaPo site, I voted for Obama as the biggest obstacle to a deal, but of those WaPo readers who voted 40% blamed Boehner and 44% blamed House Leader Cantor. Only 12% blamed The Surrealistic Spinner and His Marvelous Media./span>
Posted by: Bobby 2011-07-23