
CBS crew kicked out of Ramallah
  • Kate Rydell, the producer of the CBS crew that entered Ramallah on Sunday, said they were packing their gear Monday when about seven Israeli jeeps pulled up. "They took up positions along the street with their rifles at the ready," she said. "Two of them came up and asked to see passports." She said the soldiers said the area was a closed military zone and escorted the crew out of the city. The soldiers did not confiscate any material or equipment and made no threats, she said.

    Ramallah, the Palestinian Authority's administrative center in the West Bank, was declared a closed military zone by Israel last Friday, when the Israeli army occupied it after a series of Palestinian attacks in Israel. But the measure was only sporadically enforced, and journalists and other foreigners were able to get in as late as Sunday morning.
    What part of "closed area" don't you understand? Perhaps if your colleagues hadn't collaborated with Yasser in trying to smuggle his snuffies out they might have been more understanding. But they did, so they aren't.
    Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-04-02
  • http://www.rantburg.com/poparticle.php?ID=3276