
Using bed sheets, 5 prisoners escape Lebanese jail
BEIRUT: Five prisoners escaped a high-security Lebanese prison Saturday by scaling down the building’s walls with bed sheets before mixing with visiting relatives and walking out of the compound with them, the interior minister said.
Oh! Oh! I seen this movie!
The minister, Marwan Charbel, blamed the escape from the Roumeih prison east of Beirut on bribing “the pure negligence” of the guards and demanded that officers who were in charge when the jail break took place be punished.

Lebanese authorities later released photographs, names and the nationalities of the five fugitives, urging people to contact police with any information. A security official said the five are a Lebanese, a Kuwaiti, a Sudanese and two Syrians.

Late Saturday, members of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah group detained the Sudanese man in the Biddawi refugee camp in northern Lebanon and handed him over to Lebanese authorities, security officials said on condition of anonymity in line with regulations.

Local media reports said the escaped convicts included members of the Al-Qaeda-inspired Fatah Islam group. Charbel refused confirm or deny that there were Fatah Islam members among those who fled.

Fatah Islam fought a three-month battle against the army inside the Palestinian refugee camp Nahr el-Bared in northern Lebanon in 2007. The Lebanese army crushed the group after three months, but the clashes left 220 militants, 171 soldiers and 47 Palestinian civilians dead. Dozens of the group’s members were captured.

Lebanese troops, backed by an army helicopter, set up a security cordon around the prison and searched all cars leaving the area, security officials said.
Posted by: Steve White 2011-08-15